Re: User constant declarations in style sheets

Werner Donné wrote [in two posts]:

 > It is not my English. According to the specification this qualifies
 > indeed as a confusion. However, some books on typography refer to
 > leading as the distance between one baseline to the next. What the
 > CSS specification calls "leading" is  called "lead" in such books.

This usage of "leading" has been quite common for many years : TeX
(created in 1978) has always used it in this sense.

 > Absolutely not. If you want to keep the text in phase, you must make sure
 > that after an area which is out of phase, you get back in phase again. So
 > the total of the intermediate area must be an integral multiple of the line
 > height, but the constituent parts don't have to be.

 > I should remind you that CSS has a print media type. It is normal to expect
 > better quality on paper. This part of CSS does not get the proper attention.

This is a very important concept for printed material, particularly
when typesetting in two columns :

illustrates the need (note how the figures, displayed equations and multi-
line headings do not interrupt the regularity of the grid; there is only
a one-line overlap on the sample page, but other [better] examples fill the

 > You [David Wooley] seem to count on the fact that design tools will fix the
 > problem, but you should realize that such tools are not used by everybody.

I heartily concur with this sentiment : I have tried to make this
point previously, but with apparently little effect.

Philip Taylor

Received on Wednesday, 27 April 2005 10:50:05 UTC