Re: Dynamic pseudo class cascade

On 18 Apr 2005 at 12:08, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> > If an UA wanted to create a default style like:
> > a:focus {background-color: blue; color: white}
> > and then the author writes the style rule:
> > a {color: blue}
> > things wont cascade very well. If the UA tries to avoid the problem 
> > by using non-CSS features, the author cannot override them.
> I'm not sure why you think this is specific to dynamic pseudo-classes... 
>   If the UA wanted to create a default style like:

I more or less agree with what you wrote. However, there may 
be practical issues with that approach so i thought i'd ask anyway. 

I think that:
- Key-navigation and no-mouse devices are getting more common.
- The current non-CSS-outlines used by many UAs aren't very good
since they cannot be easily overriden, and unoverridable colors like 
some seem to use are not really a solution either.
- Color-indication is a commonly used paradigm here (often used for
instance when selecting text by UAs).

> The real problem here, of course, is not the cascade but that the author 
> broke the #1 rule of writing style sheets and specified a color without 
> specifying a background.

Yes, but an author writing:
<body link="blue">
probably will not consider that.

Due to the dynamic nature of theese selectors i don't think it's
totally unreasonable to consider such a change. 

Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2005 17:25:47 UTC