Re: [css3-background] comments

fantasai wrote:
> CSS3 Backgrounds also depends directly on CSS3 Color and CSS3 Values and
> Units. We are using the CSS3 Color <color> type and the CSS3 Values and
> Units <length>, <percentage>, and <url>. A dependency on CSS2.1, as Anne
> suggests, would preclude using new features defined only in CSS3.

So when you implement the CSS Background module using CSS2.1 <color>, 
<length>, <percentage> and <uri> you are non-conforming? I think that 
should be made more explicit.

>> Something like
>>     background-position: NW 0% 0%, SE -5px -5px
>> to put the first image in the top left (northwest) corner and the 
>> second a little inside the bottom right (southeast) corner?
> I think introducing another coordinate naming system when we already
> have one that means the same thing is a bad idea. TL/TR/BL/BR matches
> the rest of CSS much better.

Agreed. (Or just name them 'top-left', 'top-right', etc. to be even more 

  Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 14 April 2005 06:53:53 UTC