Re: Targeting CSS3 only (evil?), either with pseudoclass or an extra syntax for properties.

On Mon, 4 Apr 2005 20:01:34 -0400, Barry <> wrote:

> Good web developers would test their webpages in the major browsers even  
> with the proposed solutions, some of which are verbose and some  
> dependant on the honesty of the browser developers and extent and type  
> of testing the browsers undergo. A property might work under the test  
> conditions and not work on my webpage, so I'd need a change according to  
> the browser and not according to whether a set of properties officially  
> works.
> Some of my webpages have worked a certain percentage of the time. What  
> if a property works 95% of the time? I find inconsistent rendering  
> unacceptable, even with 95% consistency.

Conditional comments that allow direct browser sniffing should be left as  
a feature that the browser vendor should provide if it believes it is not  
really keen on following the standards. W3 is trying to put out some  
standards so it would contradict its own vision to allow specific browser  
sniffing. It will be like saying "Here is the standards, apply it like  
anything you want, no problem, because here we also give the webmasters  
'opportunity' to address you specifically so we are sure they will fix  
their CSS for you also along with the 4 other browsers which have also  
implemented our standards all differently because we also have allowed  
sniffing their browsers do they did what they wanted."

We can already send different CSS for screen, handheld, print, projection  
etc. to different agents and it should be enough. And while this !required  
style block will serve us great when using advanced CSS features such as  
border-image, border-radius, background-standincolor(not yet  
implemented(!)) , it will indeed allow unofficial browser sniffing because  
ppl would be able to find combination of features not implemented only in  
a specific browsers and use that to target that browser. Last but not  
least, IE-windows already provides that sniffing feature as you know, and  
I believe it will be the case for feature IE's too. And that is the main  
browser of whose CSS 'implementation' we will probably have to 'treat  


Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2005 00:53:51 UTC