Re: [selectors] Tree selectors

Daniel Glazman wrote:
> Mats Palmgren wrote:
>> How about something similar to counters? [1]
>>   body, section, navigation { depth-weight: IDENT 1; }
>>   h:depth(IDENT, 3) {}
>> that is, :depth(IDENT, number) would match an element where the sum of
>> its ascenders' weight for the depth IDENT equals number.
> As Ian said, it's a neat idea but it adds a new dependency from
> selectors to values. And that's quite a bad one IMHO:
>   div:depth(divdepth, 3) { depth-weight: divdepth 1; }
> K-boom...

Just for fun I implemented my suggestion above for Mozilla and it
seems to work fine (the selector above does not match anything).

Daniel Glazman wrote:
> Even if you solve that saying that depth-weight property cannot be used
> if the :depth() functional notation is used in the selector part, you'll
> still have to resolve depth-weight declarations in a first step before all
> other declarations:

The computed value of -moz-depth-weight for an element only affects
descenders of that element. It follows that :-moz-depth() only looks at
-moz-depth-weight of its ancestors. Maybe I'm missing something -
could you give me a complete example that I can test?

Here's one of my testcases to illustrate:

body,form,div,h,navigation,section {
     display:block; color:black; background:white;

body, section, navigation { -moz-depth-weight: tree1 1; }
navigation navigation     { -moz-depth-weight: tree1 -1; }

h:-moz-depth(tree1, 1)    { background:lime; }
h:-moz-depth(tree1, 2)    { background:blue; }
h:-moz-depth(tree1, 3)    { background:yellow; }

section:-moz-depth(tree1, 3) { -moz-depth-weight: tree2 1; }
h:-moz-depth(tree2, 1):-moz-depth(tree1, 3) { background:silver; }
h:-moz-depth(tree2, 1)                      { background:pink; }

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="simple.css" ?>

The result is:
h1: lime
h2: blue
h3: yellow
h4: silver
h5: blue

/Mats Palmgren

Received on Saturday, 2 April 2005 12:58:02 UTC