Re: More controlled degrading, @supported at-rule

On Thursday 2004-09-16 17:20 -0400, Benjamin D. Smedberg wrote:
> gracefully. I would like to propose an simple extension to CSS that 
> allows CSS authors to detect UA support for properties and property values:

I'd prefer a solution for what's been called the co-dependent properties
problem (although it's really co-dependent declarations or co-dependent
rules).  That is, I'd prefer a mechanism that allows authors to specify
that if one of the declarations in a set of declarations or rules is
either not supported or is overridden in the cascade by something
outside that set, then the entier set of declarations / rules is not
applied (either to a particular element or to all elements).  This
solves a whole bunch of problems related to cascading as well, which in
many ways (when users override author rules) are very similar to lack of

Are there things that your proposal would solve that such a mechanism
would not?


L. David Baron                                <URL: >

Received on Thursday, 23 September 2004 20:30:25 UTC