Re: CSS Level 1 Testsuite - 3.2

Justin Wood wrote:
>> If "...this green..." in the table is green with the test as checked, 
>> then your browser is actally wrong.
> No it is not: UL LI#gre,UL LI #gret {color: green;}

"UL LI#gre,UL LI #gret {color: green;}" is what the testcase has in the CSS....

> Not the TWO selectors there
> UL LI#gre
> and
> UL LI #gre

No, the second selector is "UL LI #gret"

> the first selector is what matches that <li id="gre">

We're talking about the <li id="gret"> in the table further in the testcase.

> Test with newer Mozilla, 1.3b is VERY VERY old. (many security fixes 
> since then)

While true, irrelevant to the issue at hand.


Received on Wednesday, 22 September 2004 17:41:54 UTC