- From: Justin Wood (Callek) <116057@bacon.qcc.mass.edu>
- Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 14:58:56 -0400
- To: daniel.pelsmaeker@zonnet.nl, W3C Style List <www-style@w3.org>
Daniël Pelsmaeker wrote: >Benjamin D. Smedberg wrote: > > >>CSS selectors could even be part of the UA stylesheet to implement these >>"rel" values. >> >> > >Actually, that's my biggest point against the target-new property: the >example provided with the description of this property shows how this >property can be used to override the effect in a CSS stylesheet of a >website. I think that most users don't want the website to specify where and >if any links are targeted in new windows/'tabs'. Not all websites have >friendly uses for these (target-...) rules. >Further, a stylesheet is for styling, and the targets of links (frames, >windows, tabs) should be specified with the link and not by using a style >class and selectors. These are properties that are specific for each link, >and they would (and should) never be changed when the website's style(sheet) >changes. I can't imagine a website builder who would ever want to change the >target-new property for the links that he wrote in his website. To make the >website work without a stylesheet (or with another stylesheet, or on a >text/speech browser) the builder would just use these target-... properties >in the style attribute of each link. And IMO that's now very stylish. > >- Daniël Pelsmaeker > > > Well the solution with CSS is much more "fair" than the scripting one, where window.open is widely used, even in onclick and similar. a.tabdefault { target-new: something; } a.windowdefault { target-new: something; } a.samedefault { target-new: something; } a, a.default { target-new: inherit; } are just some examples on how you can specify (exactly as rel) where you want target new to point to, with these the user can easily re-define what he wants on your website, and ensures that you wont be "popping" up stuff completely un-expectedly to the user. The "work-arounds" in place, and their in-ability to be "over-ridden easily" is the core problem with NOT doing it in CSS, and is the core reason why the CSS solution is easier, if we want a "sidebar" solution, just do (for instance mozilla extension) |{ target-new: -moz-sidebar; }| why overdefine what can be and is semantically possible, and make work harder for the USER (and UA developers) to create and maintain a 'working' system, with stylistic behaviors. ~Justin Wood
Received on Monday, 13 September 2004 18:59:45 UTC