RE: Problem with 'target-new' property and alternative suggestion

> Except most users don't want to learn CSS to do such a thing 
> and it's unweildy to require that a user write CSS to 
> override what comes down to annoying behavior.

Users do not have to learn CSS to specify their preferences.  The user
agents can just provide the appropriate UI for users to specify their
preferences so the users do not need to edit the stylesheets themselves.
Some browsers already have such preferences menus for things like fonts
and colors.  For example, in the Preferences menu in IE5/Mac, under web
browser/web content, there is a checkbox for "Page specify fonts" so the
users can choose whether their preferences override the styles specified
by the author.  What IE5/Mac does is it effectively takes the user input
from the preferences menu and turn them into style rules to be added to
the user stylesheet.

As Justin has said, users can always override authors' styles because of
how the CSS cascade works.  I think this is also why it's important to
define the 'target-new' feature in CSS, so we can have a well-defined
model on how users can override the authors' styles on whether a new
target destination is created when the link is activated.


Received on Monday, 13 September 2004 18:19:57 UTC