Re: Embedding CSS style sheets in XML documents

>> CSS 2.1 has nothing to do with this. CSS 2.1 defines CSS that is 
>> (interoperable) implemented by current UAs.
> In any case it replaces CSS2 rec which is the only document that 
> defines how CSS should be parsed, and this is exactly what has to be
> clarified (how UAs should parse embedded CSS). XSLT recomendation 
> more or less explains how UA should handle embedded XSL style sheets,
> while situation with CSS remains vague.

Well, the problem is that there are no known implementations. So CSS 2.1
can't specify it. It also doesn't replace CSS 2.1. It defines a subset
of supported CSS.

  Anne van Kesteren

Received on Monday, 6 September 2004 13:34:36 UTC