- From: Bjoern Hoehrmann <derhoermi@gmx.net>
- Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 03:33:00 +0100
- To: David Latapie <david@goddess-gate.com>
- Cc: www-style@w3.org, www-validator-css@w3.org
* David Latapie wrote: >I found what I think are limitations on the CSS validator. > >1. <http://www.teaser.fr/~lcolombet/empyree/dotclear/> > > background:rgba(255,255,255,0); > color:rgba(255,255,255,0); > >I was not able to see them in CSS 2, only on CSS 3. ><http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-css3-color-20030514/#rgba-color> Yes, and the CSS3 support of the CSS Validator is incomplete and highly experimental, it is likely that css3-color will be a Recommendation be- fore it is fully supported. >2. Opera proprietary extensions > -o-link: attr(cite); > -o-link-source: current; ><http://www.opera.com/docs/specs/#css> >Look for the following string: "CSS Extensions for XML" >I think this should be ignored or at least no more than a warning >should be displayed That depends on the CSS profile you use for validation, none of the supported CSS profile supports these properties, using them makes your style sheet invalid and the Validator thus reports errors. If you think proprietary extensions should not cause style sheets to be invalid, you should post a comment to this effect on the relevant profile. >3. In French: >Propriété érroné >should be >Propriété erroné Olivier, could you take care of this?
Received on Saturday, 20 November 2004 02:33:32 UTC