Re: Multiple Background Images

Actually, it's the location property of the document,
not the URL property that allows access to parameters
in JavaScript, but in practice, JavaScript does allow
access to parameters.  If SVG could do the same when
called upon by background: url(a.svg?bg1=foo,bg2=bar)
or something similiar, we would have better flexibility.

<form method='GET' action='self.html'>
<input type='text' name='foo' value='This is foo'/>
<input type='submit'/>

(This example in self.html works with Gecko
and MSIE and maybe others.)

If recommending against using url() for passing
URL-encoded parameters, how would you recommend
to pass parameters?

_-Ted Shaneyfelt

p.s. I'd also be interested in using XSLT to generate
the svg background document, if there were a
mechanism to do so.

If XML could build the document with XSLT on the
fly (if XML or XSLT could accept parameters in this
 - The layering could be handled by SVG,
 - The scalability could be handled by XSLT,
 - The parameters could be handled by XML and the url()
  interface (or something like it, perhaps call it location()
  instead of url() if you like).

Received on Tuesday, 16 November 2004 17:15:28 UTC