Re: [CSS21] Contradiction in the spec with auto-offset fixed-position elements

Ian Hickson wrote:

> Maybe we should change it to "For the purposes of calculating the static 
> position, the containing block of fixed positioned elements is the initial 
> containing block instead of the viewport, and all scrollable boxes 
> should be assumed to be scrolled to their origin." or some such?

I think that would be reasonably unambiguous, but then I have a followup 
question.  Do actual implementations behave this way?  Mozilla up 
through a few days ago may, but I'm not even sure about that...

That is, is there a reason for specifying a complicated algorithm here, 
just enough different from the absolute positioning one that you 
probably have to implement them separately, instead of specifying 
something simple?  If there are existing implementations that behave in 
this way and pages depending on it, I suppose that could be considered 
such a reason... are there?


Received on Sunday, 7 November 2004 05:55:00 UTC