Re: Multiple Background Images

Are you speaking about JavaScript url schema (javascript:...)?

JavaScript urls are completely different animals than http:
<a href="javascript:window.alert('test')">
as they always refer to local resources (different namespace). 

Passing parameters to SVG using 
urls like schema:resourcename?paramname=paramvalue is 
inacceptable as it intervenes with the http urls. 

Or I did not understand you answer exactly.

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Original Message from: "Ted Shanyfelt"
| > For example I have svg generated on the server dynamicly by some CGI
| > module
| > which accepts parameters by its own:
| >
| Same is true for JavaScript in an HTML file, but the JavaScript
| still has access to the URL with the parameters in it
| for a GET style request.  This is totally consistent.

Received on Friday, 5 November 2004 19:23:38 UTC