Re: Styling table columns--why so limited?

Ernest Cline:
> <style>
> tr>:last-child {text-align:right}
> </style>
> <table><tr>
> <td style="rowspan:2" /><td style="colspan:2" /><td />
> </tr> <tr>
> <td /><td /><td />
> </tr> </table>

Has this been proposed before? Does it really solve the CSS/DOM issues? I've long
felt colspan/rowspan to be presentational rather than semantic in the first
place... .

Alan Plum:
> The col element itself has semantical meaning, but doesn't actually contain any
> td's or th's. These are contained within a tr.

I believe the last discussion of col elements and their limited reach also
foundered here. It might be interesting in CSS-DOM to include a relationship
specifically for col/td, that is:

TD.parentCol - would be null if no col element, or would be its col "parent."
COL.childTDs - would list the TDs it affects.

This avoids breaking the DOM tree rule of no multiple parents but achieves a sort
of exception to the rule for TD elements that, as has been mentioned, have 2
logical parents.

-Chris "SoopahMan" Moschini

Received on Wednesday, 31 March 2004 13:04:31 UTC