width and height

I don't know, wheter I write to the right forum, but I'll try.

Nowadays can be noticed heightened interest of internet aplications 
based on light HTML client. By implementation of aplication GUI isn't 
suitable to use common web-layout, where the page with large content can 
whole scroll. Some parts of the aplication-page have to allways stay 
visible (navigation, header, footer). This parts have normal fixed width 
or height. On the other hand is very pleasant, when content of the page 
can fill whole viewport. I very offten need to use below described 
layout and nearly always nested (means the part CONTENT again contains 
element with the same layout, that fills whole CONTENT). But the CSS 
offer no possibility, how to say that height or width of an element have 
to fill the rest of content-box.

Layout fills 100% of width and 100% of height his content-box:
| width: 100%; height: 100px;                    |
| width: 300px;  | width: rest;                  |
| height: rest;  | height: rest;                 |
|                |                               |
|                |                               |
|                |           CONTENT             |
|                |                               |
|                |                               |
|                |                               |

I sugesst to define new value "rest" for atributes width and height with 
the meaning, that the box of element fills all the remaining space of 
the content-box.


   Rastislav Graus                  mailto:rastislav.graus@arsnova.sk

   ARS NOVA spol s r.o.                         http://www.arsnova.sk
   Hradná 10                                   voice:+421 2 6545 8045
   SK-841 10 Bratislava                          fax:+421 2 6545 9103

Received on Thursday, 18 March 2004 10:56:06 UTC