Re: [CSS3-Page] 6 comments on the last call draft

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004, Ernest Cline wrote:
> I haven't gotten any sort of a response on even those six, which I will
> attribute to the holidays.  Now that the holidays are beginning to be
> behind us, I'm going to repeat those six comments here, and if
> that still fails to elicit a response, then next week I'll start repeating
> them one at a time.  I don't mind a negative response, but a total
> lack of response makes me wonder if they were even read.

Don't worry, all last call comments must be responded to according to W3C
Process. That can take time. For example, the CSS WG received literally
nearly 300 last call comments on CSS2.1, so responding to those will take
time. In addition, CSS2.1 is a priority (over CSS3) at the moment, so
comments on CSS3 modules in last call will probably take even longer to
respond to.

Ian Hickson                                      )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
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Received on Monday, 5 January 2004 01:40:56 UTC