Re: [css3-page] LCWD issue 22 -- [22] Section 3.3.2 <length>

> So we are in fact taking "96dpi" to be the standard "typical computer 
> display" resolution.

96 dpi is 800 x 600 on a 14 inch CRT.  An earlier value for the nominal
size of a pixel on high resolution devices was 72 dpi, which is 
640 x 480.  The problem will really come with devices that are in the
crossover range between the 120 dpi of a 1024 x 768 CRT and the 
600dpi that you can reasonably expect of a desk top printer.

640 x 480  ~72 dpi
800 x 600  ~96 dpi
1024 x 768 ~120 dpi

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2004 02:51:21 UTC