Re: [CSS21] response to issue 15b

On 2/16/04 11:07 AM, "Bjoern Hoehrmann" <> wrote:

> * Tantek Çelik wrote:
>> [...]
> You are just telling me it does not matter what features beyond
> those of CSS 1.0 are included in CSS 2.1 and I disagree.

This specific comment is a new comment and thus I believe it will not be
considered as a LC comment for CSS2.1.

>> At this point the working group considers this issue closed.
> I assume you mean by considering it closed that the Working Group will
> report my objection to the Director in their request for advancement.

By considering it closed we mean that the points raised in your previous
emails in this thread have been responded to.

Please quote and cite with URL predating the CSS 2.1 LC deadline what you
consider your objection to be, because otherwise, the group believes all
your objections have been responded to and properly explained.



Received on Monday, 16 February 2004 14:22:41 UTC