Re: [CSS21] response to issue 40

On Mon, 9 Feb 2004, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> I'm afraid that it does not in fact work.  Per that grammar, the
> following is a valid stylesheet production:
>    <!--
>    font { color: red } -->
>    <!-- div { display: block }
>    --> --> --> span { display: inline }
>    <!--
> which should result in three rules being parsed.  That can't really be
> what's intended

Why not?

> and I doubt any UA will implement it that way;

Mozilla and Opera pass that test:

...and also a test for the same thing that I wrote in 1998 or so:

I don't really understand the problem here.

Ian Hickson                                      )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
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Received on Monday, 9 February 2004 17:58:11 UTC