Re: [css3-page] LCWD issue 23 -- [23] Section 3.4.1 Example

> [Original Message]
> From: Michael Day <>
> To: Ernest Cline <>
> Cc: W3C CSS List <>
> Date: 2/9/2004 11:43:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [css3-page] LCWD issue 23 --  [23] Section 3.4.1 Example
> > @page :first {span {color:blue}}
> > @page :right {span {color:red}}
> Surely no level of CSS allows element selectors to be nested within page 
> rules in this way?

You're right, the grammar says declaration not ruleset

however one can easily modify my examples to:

@page :first {background:blue}
@page :right {background:red}


@page :right {background:red}
@page :first {background:blue}

If :first and :right acted like other pseudo-classes the order of the
rules (since they have equal specificity) would determine
whether a right first page had a red or a blue background.
Instead, because CSS2 insists that rules in :first always take
precedence over :right, a right first page should have a blue
background with either example.  It would be more practical
to change the terminology than to change existing CSS2 behavior
so that :first, :left, and :right acted like regular pseudo-classes.

I am not asking for any change in behavior or rule interpretation,
just that :first, :left and :right not be called pseudo-classes.

Received on Monday, 9 February 2004 10:52:29 UTC