Re: [css3-selectors] May ':active' be applied to "normal" elements or not?

Boris Zbarsky wrote:

> Quoting Lachlan Hunt <>:
>>I think it would be reasonable to expect that 
>>:active would also apply since something will, presumably, actually 
>>happen when it is activated.  But, when there's no event handler
> See

Yes, I'd already read that.

> In short, the event handler that triggers may be attached to any ancestor, and
> determining whether it "does something" is just the halting problen.

I don't fully understand how it's a halting problem, though I'm not one 
who's implementing it, so maybe it is.  Why can't it just detect if an 
event handler is attached to it during the capture, or bubble phase?  It 
wouldn't matter if, technically, the attached function essentially does 
nothing, only that there is a handler attached to the element.  Or have 
I completely misunderstood everything here?

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Wednesday, 18 August 2004 17:09:36 UTC