Re: [CSS3] ::outside and table amnd/or ruby elements

On Mon, 26 Apr 2004, Ernest Cline wrote:
> Example:
> <style>
>   td::outside { /* */}
> </style>
> <table>
>   <tr>
>     <td>X</td>
>   </tr>
> <table>
> Now in the flow there is an anonymous box <td::outside> between
> a table-row element <tr> and a table-cell element <tr>

No, there isn't. ::outside will only exist if given an explicit 'display'
value. But assuming you had:

   td::outside { display: inline; }


> If <td::outside> is anything other than an:table-cell, there will be
> additional anonymous boxes generated between <tr> and <td::outside> by
> the CSS table model [1] If <td::outside> is anything other than a
> table-row. there will be additional anonymous boxes generated between
> <td::outside> and <td>.

Yes. Why is this a problem? It's just the same as if you were adding an
actual element. Why does this require this "to [be] carefully considered
if not outright banned"?

> Further reflection has caused me to consider that this could be
> remedied by adding the following CSS:
>   td::outside {display:table-cell}
>   td {display: block}
> to avoid generating the extra anonymous boxes, but it would be a good
> idea to point out the problem and a potential solution that works
> reasonably well for this case.

Yes, I agree this should be mentioned, if it isn't already.

> However, note that in solving the problem, I have side-stepped it, as
> <td> is no longer a table-cell.

You could also side-step it just with:

   td::outside { display: table-cell; }

...without changing the inner <td> element's display. Since it is the only
"child" of the ::outside pseudo-element, it will just have its own table.

Ian Hickson                                      )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
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Received on Monday, 26 April 2004 20:05:07 UTC