Re: attr(x, y)

> > Where is the syntax of property value attr(x,y) described?
> >
> > In CSS2, there's only attr(x), so attr(x,y) must be new to CSS3? But I
> > find where it's described.
> It is currently meant to go into the Values & Units module.

Is it long before it's available?

> The idea is to generalize attr() a bit. The optional second argument can
> be a type ('string', 'color', 'url', 'length'...) to allow attr() to be
> used on properties that allow other things than strings. E.g., the type
> 'url' would indicate that the attribute value is a URL reference relative
> to the document, because simply taking the attribute as a literal string
> would give the wrong URL. The default type is 'string'.

I don't understand why specifying a type would be necessary. The property on
which attr is set defines the type?

if you have body[TEXT] { color: attr(TEXT)}
the color attribute knows it has a type of color..

same with a uri, the background-image property knows it has a uri.


I've also seen 'em' as the second argument, I see the need for that,

input[size] {width: attr(size, em) }

but how is that a type?

I'm especially interested in that construct, completely implementing form
controls through css.

> There is also an optional third argument, which acts as the default if the
> attribute is not present in the document or cannot be converted. If the
> third argument is omitted, the default depends on the type, the default
> for 'string', e.g., is the empty string.
> The proposal will have many details about the types and defaults. But the
> interesting question is how well it will work with existing and expected
> XML-based formats. It will allow 'BODY {background: attr(BGCOLOR,color) }'
> and 'OL { counter-reset: list-item attr(START,integer) }', but it won't
> help setting borders on the descendants of "<TABLE BORDER=2>". That
> particular example is probably not a good counterargument, since we have
> been doing fine without the BORDER attribute anyway, but there may be more
> compelling examples outside of HTML.

Received on Sunday, 14 September 2003 22:26:35 UTC