- From: Wingnut <wingnut@winternet.com>
- Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 08:00:20 -0600
- To: www-style@w3.org
This will be my last attempt to get this message to www-style. Two earlier attempts seemed to go, returned good w3 mailserver queue numbers, and just didn't show up on the list. Am I being gagged? -- Briefly and disjointed... isn't 'inset' a border style, and not really to be used as a positioner? Not sure if it was being used like that in Ernest's example [1] ... just checking. According to [2], inset and outset are... like all borders... space-eating coloring schemes. And an outset becomes an inset by flipping your monitor upside down. Line-height gets involved in these discussions too, does it not? I lightly perused the css3 wd... and I can't find much info on the subject. With all this corner-imaging paint-your-own-border stuff, and the seeming need for line-height to firmly butt-into padding, and padding to firmly butt-into margin... border is starting to look like an element of its own. Its starting to have its own CONTENT. Long ago in some w3c forum, I used a "graded school paper" as an example of border-like things... actually being CONTENT. The teacher draws arrows, and makes notes in margins, and circles words and numbers... and returns the paper to the student. Those "doodles" ARE CONTENT, and they can be styled. Now, I am predominently clueless... but this somehow seems like the correct direction to pursue. In a way, a border (transparent-center, or filled) could be powered by an OBJECT tag... and the piles of attributes included-therein, via param elements. Arrows, circles, balloon-text, scribblin' dohickies of all kinds... could be made using this method, or possibly some kind of ADORNMENT tag added to future html versions. Then, when you "float" a border out to surround some content, or maybe 'assign' the border element to the content element somehow... then the author gets to say if the border steals space from the padding, or the margin, or a little of both. The author sets the exact size when he/she builds the border element. AND... this disallows borders from messing with our precious lineHeight-to-padding-to-margin borders... because the border is a separate entity. Thoughts? Sorry for being spammy and clueless... if I'm being so. Wingnut [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2003Oct/0291.html [2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-css3-border-20021107/borderstyles.png
Received on Tuesday, 25 November 2003 09:01:06 UTC