Re: [CSS3-Values] Table cell inheritance

L. David Baron wrote:

> On Sunday 2003-05-25 01:47 -0400, Ernest Cline wrote:
> > I would like to suggest the adding of a new common property value: 
> > table-inherit that could be applied to any property except display-role 
> > and display.  This exclusion is because the behavior of this property 
> > value is dependent uppon the value of display-role.
> One comment (I won't repeat what Ian said, although I'm not sure that I
> agree with it):  you'd also have to exclude 'float' and 'position',
> since they can affect 'display' (CSS2 9.7).
> (As I've said before, we should probably explicitly track dependencies
> that the computed values of properties have on other properties so that
> we don't start introducing cycles.)

Since I can't imagine why anyone would want to use the proposed value 
of table-inherit (or inherit for that matter) on either position or 
float, I see no reason to not agree with the suggestion and every 
reason to agree if position and float continue to have an effect on a 
display-role of table-cell.

Received on Sunday, 25 May 2003 23:12:38 UTC