- From: Ernest Cline <ernestcline@mindspring.com>
- Date: Sun, 25 May 2003 01:47:12 -0400
- To: www-style@w3.org
One of the problems that CSS has always had is that because of the way that the ineritance of values works, it has been impossible to specify in CSS some of the formatting done in HTML by attributes on the COL and COLGROUP elements. I would like to suggest the adding of a new common property value: table-inherit that could be applied to any property except display-role and display. This exclusion is because the behavior of this property value is dependent uppon the value of display-role. Unless the display-role of an element is table-cell table-inherit would have the same effect as inherit. If the display role of the element is table-cell then it would use the following algorithm. 1) If the property for the table-row that the table-cell belongs to has a specified value other than inherit, then the computed value of that property for the table-cell is the same as the computed value of the property for the table-row. 2) Else if the property for the table-row-group* that the table-cell belongs to has a specified value other than inherit, then the computed value of that property for the table-cell is the same as the computed value of the property for the table-row-group*. (* If the table cell belongs to a table-footer-group or table-head- group instead of a table-row-group, then that is what is used.) 3) Else if the property for the table-column that the table-cell belongs to has a specified value other than inherit, then the computed value of that property for the table-cell is the same as the computed value of the property for the table-column. 4) Else if the property for the table-column-group that the table-cell belongs to has a specified value other than inherit, then the computed value of that property for the table-cell is the same as the computed value of the property for the table-column-group. 5) Else if the property for the table that the table-cell belongs to has a specified value (including inherit), then the computed value of that property for the table-cell is the same as the computed value of the property for the table. 6) Else the computed value that property for the table-cell is the initial value of the property. So what do you think, folks? Is this workable, or am I missing something essential here.
Received on Sunday, 25 May 2003 01:47:43 UTC