Re: white-space

Yes, sorry, my original message seemed to have been routed via Mars. I 
sent it before your email describing CSS3 text.

I'm still interested to know more about the W3C working group process. 
I have made a number of suggestions which have been completely ignored 
by both members of this list and the editors of CSS drafts. I would 
like to know what's happened with these.


On Tuesday, May 6, 2003, at 19:00 Europe/London, fantasai wrote:

> Ben Godfrey wrote:
>> I'd like to suggest an additional value for the white-space property 
>> to be named something like "ignore" or "collapse" which has the same 
>> effect on the rendered output as removing the whitespace by hand.
> This is already in the CSS3 Text working draft. See
> ~fantasai

(q)	Ben Godfrey?
(a)	Web Developer and Designer
	See for details

Received on Tuesday, 6 May 2003 14:11:31 UTC