Re: an alternative to the 'position' property allowing more precise control

Jeremy Dunck wrote:
> Also, I suspect there is a typo, in that your example selector is 
> p.stair, but your markup is only <p>, with no class attribute assigned.

Also I think that "top" and "bottom" are interchanged in the first CSS 
rule - ie, it should read:

   top: previous bottom 10px;

("the top of this element should be ten pixels from the bottom of the 
previous one") rather than:

   bottom: previous top 10px;

which means "the bottom of this element should be ten pixels from the 
top of the previous one" - which would be a rather strange thing to want 
(although perfectly valid), and doesn't match the suggested rendering.


Stuart Ballard, Programmer
NetReach - Internet Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2003 10:23:56 UTC