Re: Reversing list order

> In my original message, <ul> should have been <ol>. Sorry for the
* confusion. The reason I posted this message, is because I believe there
* is no way using current xhtml standards to have items in a list to be
* numbered in reverse order, and I need this capability.


The only thing this doesn't do is count the number of items, but that
introduces the back-tracking/look ahead issues.

Note, though that this is not using HTML or XHTML; it is using CSS, as
you did, in your example.  If the numbers have semantic significance,
you want to follow the "Against 'start' and 'value' attributes" thread
on the www-html list.

(The original for this may be pending moderation, as an unsubscribed
posting.  The behaviour wanted was for the numbers to be reversed but
the items not.)

Received on Tuesday, 18 March 2003 17:07:18 UTC