Re: attr() construct in generated content and namespaces

On Saturday 2003-07-26 22:57 -0500, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> How exactly does the attr() construct work in the presence of namespaced 
> attributes?  For example, what is the expected rendering of:
> <div xmlns:xlink="whatever"
>      xmlns:myNS="somethingElse"
>      xlink:type="convoluted"
>      myNS:type="confusing"
>      type="confounding" />
> styled with:
> div::before { content: attr(type) }
> ?

The combination of [1] (which is a bit vague) and [2] (which is a bit
off-topic) suggests that you should end up with "confounding".  I think
the general principle there is that you should need to use namespaces in
order to end up with any of the others (either through the namespace
awareness described in css3-namespace or through attr(xlink\:type) in
non-namespace-aware CSS).



L. David Baron                                <URL: >

Received on Sunday, 27 July 2003 00:28:54 UTC