Re: Find-text pseudo-element?

Tom Gilder <>:
> Would it be too resource-intensive to have a pseudo-element that
> simply searched out all text in a string and applied itself to it?

That's the reason for which I've never suggested something like it here
before. OTOH search and replace operations in most editors are incredibly
fast, even with RegEx. I suppose it has been discussed already, though.

>   p::text("example") { font-weight: bold; }

::text("i") {content: url("hearty-dotted-i.svg")}
::text("ACME") {content: url("logo.png")}
::text("$search_engine_buzz_words") {display: none}
::text("$search_term") {background: yellow}
::text{"blue"} {color: blue}
@media aural {::text("e. g.") {content: "for example"}}

Received on Monday, 14 July 2003 08:40:32 UTC