Re: Another view (sorry) on XBL and behaviours

Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Jan 2003, Dylan Schiemann wrote:
>>I feel that in general, adding bindings with selectors is a good idea as 
>>selector syntax is very convenient.  However, it feels wrong to mix them 
>>with css.  It feels to me that it makes css no longer css, but something 
>>much more complex than the rest of the specification.
> Why?

Mostly because it feels wrong/ugly/hacked.  Partly because it blurs the 
lines for MVC separation.  Partly because it feels to me that the 
benefit of using css selectors for convenience in selecting elements is 
being carried to the point of using all of css for convenience, rather 
than separating the two.  Wouldn't it make more sense to at least 
separate keep them in separate documents.

> What about the 'background' property then?

Are you asking what I think about using the background property to 
include something like an svg document rather than just a raster image?


Dylan Schiemann

Received on Wednesday, 8 January 2003 18:41:51 UTC