Re: XBL is (mostly) W3C redundant, and CSS is wrong W3C layer for semantic behavior *markup*

At 12:58 AM 1/6/2003 +0000, Ian Hickson wrote:

Blah, blah

Do any one (other than the "vested XBL supporters") want me to respond to
Ian's summary below point-by-point??

Because I feel my previous points already refute his summary and can stand
on their own.

I am personally tired of writing the same points over and over.  I feel
(perhaps incorrectly) Ian's summary below is just a challenge to draw me
into another non-productive verbosity debate.

-Shelby Moore

>For the record, here is a summary of my response to your original
>post, taking into account all your comments so far:
>1. XBL is not W3C redundant, because there is no other spec that can
>   do what it can:
>   * Bind event handlers and styles to an element from the style
>     layer.
>   * Bind event handlers and styles to an element without affecting
>     the original DOM.
>   * Allow dynamic changes to the DOM to be reflected by the binding
>     dynamically.
>   * Allow individual elements to have bindings changed dynamically.
>   * Allow multiple bindings to be added to the same element
>     simultaneously.
>   * Allow the user to individually override bindings without
>     completely overriding the author bindings.
>   * Allow new functions to be defined in the scope of the bindings
>     without _any_ pollution of the document namespace.
>   * Bind stylesheets to subtrees of the document without affecting
>     any other elements.
>2. CSS is the right layer at which to introduce XBL, because XBL
>   addresses exactly the same problem as CSS -- presentation and
>   behaviour. XBL affects semantics in just the same was as CSS.
>3. XBL doesn't actually depend on any other W3C technology, it is
>   designed to be independent of the scripting, DOM, and styling
>   languages used. However, it can integrate tightly with W3C
>   technologies, making it highly suitable in a W3C context.

Received on Sunday, 5 January 2003 20:11:09 UTC