Re: Length unit relative to media width

Hello everyone,

2003-02-19T17:16:47Z GS <> wrote:

>>I would say that any such unit should be referenced to the viewport
>>width; users should not be forced to go full screen.  Even better might
>>be to reference it to the calculated value of the width of the containing
>>block, making it something like a reciprocal of em; em allows one to
>>recover the current calcualted value for the font dimension into the 
>>height and width dimensions, whereas this proposal seems a way of
>>recovering height and width information into the font size dimension.

etc. etc. etc.

Am I missing something or is the Media Queries [1] spec what you're
looking for? Also check the CC/PP page [2].

My personal opinion is that the properties like viewport-width and the
Media Queries' 'device-height' and the like are harmful for the reasons
of accessibility [3]. This is just a guess, though.

Links: [1]

  Alexander "Croll" Savenkov                                   

Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2003 12:50:02 UTC