Re: Length unit relative to media width

GS wrote on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 4:13:22 AM:

> The unit should be relative to the screen (or paper) width. The unit
> should be referenced to the preferred screen resolution.

> I suggest these units:
>    sw8     = (screen.width  /    800 ) px;
>    sw12    = (screen.width  /  1200 ) px;
>    sw16    = (screen.width  /  1600 ) px;
>    sw24    = (screen.width  /  2400 ) px;

It would be slightly more useful if an integer could be input
directly. The advantage is you could use nonstandard screen resolution
widths (like 666).

> example:
> H2 {   font-size: 36 sw12;  }

Also, this means we could avoid compatibility problems by using a new
property: screen-width, or something like that. For example:


Would it be more useful for implementers to scale with respect to the
screen width, screen height, or both? I'm leaning towards height,
since at least in English the font-size determines how tall the font
is (and not how wide), but I'm no expert.

What about taking physical screen size into account?

Personally, I'm fond of ems. But this idea is an interesting one.


Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2003 06:08:54 UTC