Re: css as xml?

Also sprach Douglas Livingstone:

 > So, how about this?
 >  'XCSS 1.0, a reformulation of CSS1/2/3 as an XML 1.0 application'

 > <tag value="body">
 >   <prop name="background-color" value="#EFEFEF" />
 >   <prop name="font-family" value="'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, Verdana, 
 > Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" />
 >   <prop name="color" value="#000000" />
 >   <prop name="margin" value="75px 50px 0 0" />
 >   <prop name="padding" value="0" />
 >   <prop name="text-align" value="justify" />
 > </tag>
 > All the benefits of XML in CSS?

I prefer the CSS syntax. However, if you want to use XML, I think the
FOSI language is a decent starting point. E.g., 

  <e-i-c gi="h1">                      <!-- element in context is h1 -->
    <charlist inherit="1">             <!-- inheritance should be used -->
      <font size="14pt" weight="bold"> <!-- set some font properties -->

For a comparison of style sheet languages, see:

              Håkon Wium Lie                          cto °þe®ª        

Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2003 03:51:01 UTC