comments on Selectors

    Universal Selector

    * The first sentence is ambiguous.  "The universal selector, written
      as an asterisk, represents ...".  The current text might lead
      somebody to believe the following selector is valid instead of *.school or .school.
    * The recommendation to use teh * instead the implied needs to be
      supported.  From my understanding, explicitly including the *
      under current implementations takes longer for matching to the
      correct element and breaks compatibility with CSS1-compliant user

Looking at the stylesheet, I see the following suggestions:
a.noxref:link and a.noxref:visited should just be :link.noxref and 
:visited.noxref.  Same applies to the rest of the rules.

In the W3C-CR.css file, a:active should be :link:active, 
:visited:active, otherwise, clicking a <a name=""> element will make the 
style get applied which is undesirable.

Brant Langer Gurganus

If "Actions speak louder than words," how is that "The pen is mightier than the sword."?

Received on Sunday, 16 February 2003 22:36:09 UTC