No vertical-align of anchor with height larger than it's inner text

First of all, I should state that I did read the information saying "this list is not for questions like 'How do I...'".
But in this case, I strongly suspect that this is something that can't even be done.
But if I'm wrong, I'd be very happy to be overproved.
Nonetheless, I believe that it would be a desireable feature. So therefore I'm bringing it here.

<table border="1">
    <td style="height: 4em;">
      <a href="#" style="background-color: red; display: block; height: 100%;">LINK</a>

I haven't found any way to place the link text in the vertical-middle of the cell.
Or rather in the vertical middle of the anchor's vertical span. It always starts at the top.
I need the height:100% so that the whole cell becomes clickable as opposed to just the text.
Isn't this feasible at all? And if not, shouldn't there be an enhancement that allowed this?


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Received on Saturday, 15 February 2003 14:11:33 UTC