Re: Smart-font features

On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, 5:29:42 PM, Rafael wrote:

RO> Some features that could be usable in @font-face are anti-alias settings, or 
RO> specific panose-1 descriptors,

Uh, Panose-1 descriptors are already there? Or were you wanting
something else?

RO> to "make" the font instead of writing a name.
RO> It could be an "hexadecimal" alternative to font-weight, font-stretch, 
RO> font-face.
RO> Maybe in the future the user agent could "generate" the font with a vector 
RO> engine or something like that.

Font synthesis was originally a deign goal of this work (though
generally intended for progressive rendering before the real font
arrived or as a fallback in case there was a network break) that is
why the descriptors include things like a complete list of glyph

But no-one really used this for font synthesis.

RO> The Generic-Families clasification could me a little more specific, maybe 
RO> for print-media or visual-media, like "Slab-serif" for Egyptian, 
RO> "Serif-Modern" for Bodoni, "Semi-Grotesque" (or Semi-Sans Serif), for 
RO> Optima, "Hand-Writing" and so on.

RO> Could the support for Graphite be via mime-type id?, or plug-in?, or the 
RO> PARM element?...

RO> These are just some ideas, if some one use them... please give me some 
RO> credit.

RO> Rafael Otake.

>>>We're in the middle of a project to provide support for Graphite in the 
>>>Mozilla browser. And to do that we want to make sure that there is 
>>>adequate markup in XHTML to handle the equivalent of the behavior of our 
>>>Graphite-based text editor. With regard to features, you may have data 
>>>that needs to be marked up with a specific bunch of feature settings, so 
>>>that it is sure to be displayed the way the author intended.

>>Sounds to me as if you were looking for CSS's @font-face construct and its 
>>children: <>.

>>If you want to do the world a favor, show us that it's usable by adding
RO> @font-face support to Gecko.

RO> _________________________________________________________________
RO> MSN Fotos: la forma más fácil de compartir e imprimir fotos.  


Received on Wednesday, 5 February 2003 19:41:20 UTC