RE: [XHTML2][CSS3] Tables: A proposal to support styling by columns

It looks like another value for the proposed table-cell-overlap
property would also make sense, namely "html" so as to
tell the layout engine to use the rules from HTML for placing
cells when laying them out.  It would also enable CSS3 Tables
to remove the current need to special case HTML as the
current CSS 2 table layout  rules of Section 17.5 does.

> [Original Message]
> From: Ernest Cline <>
> ---
> 'table-cell-overlap'
> Value:          none|clapboard|inherit
> Initial:        none
> Applies to:    'table' and 'inline-table' elements
> Inherited:      no
> Percentages:    N/A
> Media:          visual
> Computed value: as specified

Received on Monday, 15 December 2003 08:56:31 UTC