Re: Column text color

> 2) Allow columns to be introduced explicitly via CSS, probably as a
> pseudo-class - such as td:column( n ) - and let this pseudo-element do
> the proper counting that accounts for colspan.

There is a subtle distinction here between a :column pseudo-class and a
::column pseudo-element, which will affect the way this works. For

td:column(2) {
	border: solid red thin;
	font: 14pt sans-serif

This will draw a border around every td in the 2nd column of the table, 
but it will not draw a border around the entire column.

table::column(2) { border: solid red thin }

This will draw a border around the column, not around each td, as the 
pseudo-element "selects" structure that is not actually present in the 
original document (similar to ::first-line).

I'm not sure if the pseudo-class can actually work, as it is not clear
which tds are in the second column of the table until after layout has
been determined, which is the point originally made by Ian Hickson.

The pseudo-element on the other hand cannot affect the inheritance of
properties for the tds in that column for much the same reason. I don't
believe this problem can be solved without rethinking the way cascading
and inheritance are performed in CSS3.


YesLogic Prince prints XML!

Received on Friday, 12 December 2003 02:55:49 UTC