Re: [css3] URI selectors

On 9 Dec 2003, at 5:52, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

> The one my initial message mentioned was site security domains -- any 
> set of pages within a single security domain is considered a single 
> "site".

Sorry, yes, I've read that post properly now.

> There are other things the UA could do.  Site groups (like IE and 
> Mozilla already have for security zones), "same site" matches like the 
> "same site" functionality Mozilla uses for its "only load images from 
> the same site" preference, etc.

I think these UA groupings would probably do for many cases, but I 
can't help thinking about that one page that has a black background 
when the rest of the site is white. E.g. vs and everything else.

But I'd also like to restate the point here that I think the key thing 
that would make this technology worth considering is widespread 
implementation, so if it would be (much) simpler to implement this way, 
then that's potentially a better solution.

> There are probably other things that could be done there; I don't 
> really care much about the topic, so I've not put much thought into 
> it. ;)

Hmmm, <frowns/>

(q)	Ben Godfrey?
(a)	Web Developer and Designer
	See for details

Received on Tuesday, 9 December 2003 01:10:17 UTC