Re: [css3-colors] Comments on Last Call

On Tuesday, April 15, 2003, 6:04:10 AM, Chris wrote:

CL> Actually no. The original algorithms for HSL to RGB were written in
CL> 1978 by Alvey Ray Smith, who wanted to have a polar system that was
CL> similar to the polar CIE LCH system introduced in 1976, but trading
CL> simpler mathematics for lack of perceptual uniformity or colorimetric
CL> accuracy.

CL> Smith, A. R. "Color Gamut Transform Pairs". Computer Graphics 12, 3 (Aug.
CL> 1978), 12-19.

In connection with which, for implementors, this code from Graphics
Gems (a series of books about useful graphic code) might be of

A Fast HSL-to-RGB Transform
by Ken Fishkin, Pixar Inc., January 1989
from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990

you will also need


Received on Tuesday, 15 April 2003 00:24:51 UTC