Re: list-style-type idea

--- George Lund <> wrote:
> It would be nice to have another possible value for
> list-style-type, 
> namely 'collapsible'.  This would mean that browsers
> implementing this 
> suggestion could display the list in a collapsible
> tree-view style.
> This would eliminate the need for a lot of
> JavaScript, and would mean 
> that what is a relatively common GUI widget could be
> specified by 
> authors with minimal fuss.  It would improve HTML
> coding, because such 
> lists could be marked up with the <ul> element for
> non-CSS3 browsers.

I like this idea.  It's an effect that's looked for
often enough that it would be a good idea to be able
to do it out a lot of messy JavaScript code.

Would another property be required to state whether
the list should be initially open or collapsed?  Or
perhaps how many levels should initially be open?

Bill Daly

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Received on Wednesday, 18 September 2002 09:55:22 UTC