Re: A possible presentational hints proposal for CSS 2.1

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Jonny Axelsson wrote:
> I think not displaying the b as font-weight: normal is a Bad Idea, and not 
> making the font tag orange (assuming X11 support...) is a Bad Idea. 
> Compromising with a Bad Idea is still a Bad Idea. That it also would involve 
> a complex rule about which elements in which namespaces will adhere to this 
> arbitrary rule does not make it any better.
> You will not make future users of CSS happy with this rule (and only a 
> handful present users).

I can tell you're against the proposal, but I can't really tell which side
you're on. :-/

Could you clarify your comments?

> The only consequence of this is that every author would have to append 
> !important to every style rule to make the page behave sensibly.

That wouldn't help (whichever way we defined things) since the only thing
author-!important can override is author-without-!important.

Ian Hickson                                      )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
"meow"                                          /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.                         `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Tuesday, 8 October 2002 14:02:55 UTC