Re: word-spacing property

On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Etan Wexler wrote:
> The 'white-space-treatment' property has license to change the characters
> underlying a presentation.  The 'word-spacing' property has license only to
> change the presentation, as in the glyphs and metrics used.  If I have an
> element with "word-spacing: none" and I perform a copy operation and then
> paste, I better get the spaces with the rest of the text.

white-space-treatment doesn't change the DOM. Whether copying comes from
the DOM or the final presentation is left up to the UA. If it comes from
the presentation, you'll get no spaces, you'll just get a text mode
representation of the screen. If it comes from the DOM, you'll get all the
original spaces and line breaks.

Ian Hickson                                      )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
"meow"                                          /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.                         `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Thursday, 14 November 2002 10:48:23 UTC