Re: [css-d] Using Pseudo Elements in Conjuction

On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 11:23:15 +0000 (GMT), Ian Hickson <> wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Nov 2002, Rijk van Geijtenbeek wrote:

My question was:
"Why is a:before:hover an invalid selector"

>> I don't think the prose in CSS2 is clear at all.

> Is CSS2.1 any better? If not, please send an e-mail to the www-style list
> (cc me) asking us (the working group) to clarify this in our next draft.

It's the same prose in CSS2 and CSS2.1.


> CSS2 section 5.10: Pseudo-classes are allowed anywhere in selectors while
> pseudo-elements may only appear after the subject of the selector.

Actually I found 5.2 clearer.

I was reading 'subject' in 5.10 as not including the pseudoclasses, but 
only relating to actual elements in the document tree. The description of 
'subject' doesn't help me much:
"The elements of the document tree that match a selector are called 
subjects of the selector."

"... One pseudo-element may be appended to the last simple selector in a 
chain ..."

This clearly states that the pseudo-element comes after the simple 
selector, which is defined as including the pseudoclasses and attribute 
selectors etc. That answered my question.

Rijk van Geijtenbeek

Received on Tuesday, 5 November 2002 07:38:37 UTC