Re: X11 Colors (was Last call comments on CSS3 module: color)

On Wednesday, May 29, 2002, 12:28:47 AM, Jon wrote:

JF> One thing to note is what's happening with SVG 1.1 and these X11 color 
JF> keywords. For SVG 1.1:

JF> SVG 1.1 Full: Supports X11 color keywords
JF> SVG 1.1 Basic/Tiny: Only support 16 color keywords also found in HTML spec

JF> So, one "simple" approach from a standards perspective is to just accept 
JF> the full set of X11 color keywords for CSS3 (full profile) but require only 
JF> the 16 color keywords from the HTML spec in CSS3 Mobile. I say "simple" 
JF> because this is consistent with the SVG 1.0 Recommendation and some 
JF> existing momentum in the CSS group, plus it puts the burden of the extra 
JF> storage for the 300 or so color names only on fat clients but not the 
JF> mobile clients.

Certainly the objection in the CSS1 time frame to adding X11 colors
was from a developer of a mobile, Java browser who was concerned about
lookup table size. The browser itself was never released, unfortunately.


Received on Wednesday, 29 May 2002 13:58:23 UTC