Re: Hanging indent

fantasai wrote:

> I doubt it's the intended use of the CSS properties. Add a border and you'll
> see what I mean.

So if that's what you want, use 'padding' instead of 'margin'. Here's an
example with the border and padding...

I didn't test as many browsers this time, but it still works in Netscape 4.7
on PC. I've have browser discrepancies with padding before so that's why I
used margin the first time. I don't have IE 5.0 installed here, but I seem
to remember it having issues with padding...

Are there any more ideas why this could be considered a hack? If it's the
negative value for 'text-indent', Eric Meyer states it's validity in the CSS
2.0 Programmers Reference. I didn't compare it to the spec, but I trust he
did. Were there any other reasons why this was considered a hack?

James Craig

Received on Tuesday, 28 May 2002 04:51:19 UTC